Farm for Sale in Marcionilio Souza - Bahia | The banks of the Paraguaçu River

Marcionílio Souza, BA

Terreno / Lote à venda

Cód. 287218405 - Atualizado há 4 dias

110m² de Área

PREÇO R$ 2.300.000

O imóvel "Farm for sale in marcionilio souza - bahia | the banks of the paraguaçu river" possui Venda por R$2.300.000, 110m² de área e está localizado em Marcionílio Souza, BA.

Farm for Sale in Marcionilio Souza - Bahia - 110 Hectares. - Topography: Flat - The property is on the banks of the Paraguaçu River - Drip Irrigation Equipment for 40 Hectares. - All fenced. - Asphalt on the door. - 2 km from the city of Marcílio Souza. - Two Registered Farms. - Water Grant. - 2 km of Alta Electric Network. - 400 m of downtown network (Coelba standard). - Shed with 04 Compartments Including One Bedroom Apartment and Living Room. - Main House w/ 03 Bedrooms. - Pump House w/ Capture Tank. - Light Pattern in Concrete. Schedule Your Visit Now! More information: M C Farms CRECI J 2388 Your Rural Real Estate Mauricio Costa Realtor Grown: 14.408 Expert Property Appraiser Cnai.: 24,990 Fale conosco: -


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